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Clark County Council Hearing Regarding 3rd Party Analysis of Comprehensive Plan's Housing & Employment Assumptions - May 7

Competinomics LLC works with private and public sector clients across the Pacific Northwest to identify competitive strategies and policy positions to support economic growth opportunities.

Competinomics LLC was retained by NW Partners for a Stronger Community to evaluate the assumptions being applied within Clark County’s Comprehensive Growth Management Plan update. Our independent analysis primarily focused on a consideration of assumptions applied to the allocation of employment and housing.

This analysis assessed historical data and the trends of key components of Clark County’s demographics and economics in order to consider how current assumptions fit realized activity and development in the county and its cities as well as the range of implications for assumptions that depart from realized and actual trajectories.

This memorandum summarizes these trends and our preliminary findings regarding VBLM assumptions impacting employment and housing.

If interested, you can provide public comment to the following:

Oliver Orjiako:

Index of Record:


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